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SmartCALENDAR is an online calendar system that allows school districts, municipalities, or organizations to request an event be scheduled, and to have it posted after approval. A school district with many buildings has the ability to have a separate calendar for each building available in a single drop down menu. In this system they also have a DISTRICT calendar that merges all the individual calendars into one location. This gives administrators a wonderful advantage of seeing all activities planned throughout the district in one place
Municipalities and/or organizations may do the same with various committees or organizational subgroups with events displayed their own individual calendars, again, with SmartCALENDAR allowing all to be individually observed merged into one location. SmartCALENDAR is an easy-to-use, online scheduling application that enables external users to submit events, functions, meetings, facility bookings, or sports schedules for approval for placement on the calendar. Approval is done by a predetermined set of “editors” that are established by the client administrator in the setup of the application. Editors and passwords are controlled by the administrator and easily modified at any time.
A SmartCALENDAR screen is made available from a link placed on a school district, individual school, or municipality website. The staff, and community, can go to one place to see a detailed schedule of a day’s events. Faculty members, students, committee members, or administrators also have the ability to submit an event/activity online. These events after approval would then become available for public viewing.
Separate calendars may be purchased for each school building, sports team, PTA Group, school club, organization, committee, or subgroup as needed. A popular use of this product is for scheduling “facility usage” such as athletic fields, auditoriums, gymnasiums and computer laboratories. The ability for organizational administrators to see all planned activities in on location is one of the product’s key features.
For more information and/or pricing on this product please contact:
Chuck Drayton, Director of New Business Development
Phone: 508-543-2804